Ciao a tutti! E’ da un bel po’ che non posto ma sono stata molto occupata alla realizzazione di un nuovo progetto, cioè una creazione di un sito internet personale. Appena ultimato vi posto il link così lo vedete! 😀 Ma veniamo all’outfit: ho messo insieme due dei trend di questa stagione! Parigine nere e cappottino scozzese. Un look casual ma non troppo, reso ancora più carino dalla svasatura a campana del cappotto!
Trovo che le parigine, soprattutto di questo colore, snelliscano molto le gambe e le rendano quasi un po’ meno torte (soprattutto nel mio caso! ahah :D) E voi, cosa ne pensate?
T-SHIRT: gift
SHORTS: Miss Sixty
8 commenti
Ma come stai bene tesoro!!!
Il cappottino è splendido 😀 Sei mooolto chic 😀 Un bacione
Che carina che sei, ti stanno benissimo le parigine!
Un bacione :*
Outfit carinissimo…anch'io adoro le parigine anche se non ho ancora avuto occasione di metterle <3
le trovo carinissime e ti stanno bene!!!
Grazie a tutte ragazze! Sono molto contenta che vi piaccia l'outfit! 😀 spero di postarne presto altri con quelle parigine! Poi ne ho molto altri in mente! (:
Although it be clear that an entry signed by the broker is not essential to the validity of a contract where formal bought-and-sold notes have been delivered, it is another question whether the broker's entry of the contract, Moncler Giacche signed by him, would be sufficient in the absence of sufficient bought-and-sold notes" (Law of Evidence, ii. 869,870). Formerly the entry in the broker's book was held to be the contract, the bought-and-sold notes being merely transcripts of it, but the rule has latterly been to place dependence on tho latter where they exist. Moncler abbigliamento " There is not," says Professor Bell, "m Scotland any necessity, as by the practice of England, for a signed note to be entered in the broker's book" (Hell's Principles, 89). Moncler presaè la scelta Where the name of the purchaser has not been communicated, the seller may withdraw where tho price is not for ready money, if he give speedy warning after inquiry into the condition of the purchaser. Moncler cappotti Ship-brokers are persons who undertake the management of all business matters occurring between the owners of vessels and the shippers or consignees of tho goods which they carry; such as procuring cargo or a charter for outward-bound ships, entering and clearing them at the custom-house, and collecting freight ou the goods which vessels bring into port.
Although it be clear that an entry signed by the broker is not essential to the validity of a contract where formal bought-and-sold notes have been delivered, it is another question whether the broker's entry of the contract, Moncler Giacche signed by him, would be sufficient in the absence of sufficient bought-and-sold notes" (Law of Evidence, ii. 869,870). Formerly the entry in the broker's book was held to be the contract, the bought-and-sold notes being merely transcripts of it, but the rule has latterly been to place dependence on tho latter where they exist. Moncler abbigliamento " There is not," says Professor Bell, "m Scotland any necessity, as by the practice of England, for a signed note to be entered in the broker's book" (Hell's Principles, 89). Moncler presaè la scelta Where the name of the purchaser has not been communicated, the seller may withdraw where tho price is not for ready money, if he give speedy warning after inquiry into the condition of the purchaser. Moncler cappotti Ship-brokers are persons who undertake the management of all business matters occurring between the owners of vessels and the shippers or consignees of tho goods which they carry; such as procuring cargo or a charter for outward-bound ships, entering and clearing them at the custom-house, and collecting freight ou the goods which vessels bring into port.